Berkat teknik baru, Microsoft berhasil memperpendek waktu booting Windows 8 menjadi hanya 8 detik saja. Teknik yang dilakukan Microsoft adalah dengan mengupgrade mode "cold start-up" sehingga mampu menyimpan beberapa komponen sistem operasi dalam harddisk. Gabe Aul, direktur dari manajemen program windows menjelaskan :
“Our solution is a new fast startup mode which is a hybrid of traditional cold boot and resuming from hibernate.”
“Now here’s the key difference for Windows 8: as in Windows 7, we close the user sessions, but instead of closing the kernel session, we hibernate it. Compared to a full hibernate, which includes a lot of memory pages in use by apps, session 0 hibernation data is much smaller, which takes substantially less time to write to disk.”
“Another important thing to note about Windows 8’s fast startup mode is that, while we don’t do a full “Plug & Play” enumeration of all drivers, we still do initialize drivers in this mode. Those of you who like to cold boot in order to “freshen up” drivers and devices will be glad to know that is still effective in this new mode, even if not an identical process to a cold boot. This new fast startup mode will yield benefits on almost all systems, whether they have a spinning HDD or a solid state drive (SSD), but for newer systems with fast SSDs it is downright amazing. Check out the video below to see for yourself.”
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